Imam Hussain(AS) Inspires….

Imam Hussain(AS) Inspires….

In the name of Allah the most Merciful Beneficent “Hussain is light of guidance and ship of salvation” these words of holy Prophet(S) are always resonating in the hearts of guidance seekers in all ages. Imam Hussain(AS) made a clear distinction between truth and...
Hardened Hearts

Hardened Hearts

In His name the most Merciful and Beneficent Spiritually speaking, a hardened heart is one which shows no signs of softness for accepting good or listening to guidance. It is a state of the soul when one has become fully immune to guidance and reformative thoughts. A...
Vicious Circles in Human Life

Vicious Circles in Human Life

There are many conditions which are abominable and must be avoided, but sometimes they get an independent existence of their own and feed on themselves. Under such conditions, a circle is formed which takes its victims down further into the deeper levels of that...
A Night Greater than One Thousand Months

A Night Greater than One Thousand Months

Laylatul Qadr, the Night of Power, is the most blessed night of the entire year. Its significance and glory has been described and discussed in the Holy Qur’an itself, as well as in numerous traditions. Can we imagine its full import and can we comprehend its full...
Night of Power

Night of Power

The blessed month of Ramadan is so abundant in the blessings that it is difficult, or impossible, to enumerate them. Among the many blessings in it is the night of power or glory, layltul Qadr. The night is the most important night of the year. This night’s...